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Build yourself a home for all seasons

Build yourself a home for all seasons

If you’re not lucky enough to live in a country like California, we are all exposed to the changing seasons. In fact, we come to the time of year in the northern hemisphere when the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer and we are more tempted to make ourselves comfortable in the apartment than to set off like in the mild summer months.

But you want your home to be a place of comfort and tranquility all year round, regardless of the season. To achieve this, you don’t have to redecorate every few months or invest too much in special home furnishings. How to create a home for all seasons.

Track how your natural light changes from season to season

The biggest difference between summer and winter seasons is the amount of natural light that you can capture in your living space. Summer days offer plenty of beautiful daylight, while winter is darker and less inspiring.

Love Make yourself a home for all seasons

As you transition between the seasons, try to identify where you start to lose light in your home. Perhaps you could use lighter curtains that, while providing privacy, aren’t heavy enough to block the light you get on shorter days. Additionally, you can purchase daylight lamps for darker seasons that leave out realistic glow to mimic the lack of natural light.

Bring those outside, inside

Spring and summer are synonymous with plants and flowers, and luckily there are plenty of evergreen plants to decorate your home with. To achieve an aesthetic that is appropriate all year round, consider creating a base with these evergreen plants and then having a rotation of guest flowers during the season.

interior11 Create a home for all seasons

violet are beautiful for spring and easy to care for if they are not exposed to direct sunlight lavender is wonderfully uplifting and calming all winter long.

Use the outside area all year round

Don’t let the colder weather stop you from dining outside. Effective outdoor heating, paired with the right and long-lasting one Outdoor kitchen countertopsoffers you the perfect place to grill all year round.

To protect against rain, there are numerous options for temporary or more permanent protective structures, from pavilions to wooden roofs. Adorned with fairy lights, these will look great all year round.

Adopt a neutral color palette

neutral Create a home for all seasons

Semiotically, darker colors are more indicative of winter, think red wine and rich mahogany and lighter pastel colors that are more reminiscent of spring and summer. Using a neutral color palette at home gives you the added flexibility of making small changes to fixings and furniture depending on the time of year.

Make small changes for a seasonal look

One small change can make a big difference. Remember to change pillowcases, lampshades, or ornaments to create a new mood that matches the changing seasons. It costs very little money to have a second set of this furniture on hand when the weather changes and the effects can be dramatic.