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Black and white bedroom ideas – always elegant

Black and white bedroom ideas – always elegant

When it comes to design, there are many different color schemes to choose from. The most timeless of these schemes is black and white. It’s undoubtedly a classic and understandably so.

It’s simple, yet adaptable. It can match with any other color of any shade. It can also be used to get the exact mood of a room at a glance.

The key to black and white decorating ideas

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas1 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Atmosphere Interior Design Inc.

In a black and white room, it’s important to strike a balance between these two colors. Too much of either color can make the room feel “off” or incomplete. Here are some tips to avoid this:

When white is the dominant color in the room, a small room can feel bigger. In this room, make the smaller accessories black.

This will put more focus on all things white without ignoring the black. All main parts of the room should be white – walls, floor, ceiling, bed, closet, etc.

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas13-1 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Frank M. DeBono Construction Corp.

Paintings, chandeliers, etc. are black to demonstrate the full extent of the white, and therefore the full extent of the room.

Color the room according to its natural highlights. If the window is illuminating a certain part of the room, make that part whiter.

If one corner of the room is naturally shaded, use black there. This contributes to a better contrast between the two colors and prevents unpleasant hues from appearing due to the natural light.

Black and white bedroom decor

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas2 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Atmosphere Interior Design Inc.

A bedroom should show elegance as well as a sense of style and confidence. Personal preferences always come first when designing a home. With that in mind, black and white always makes a great backup or security design.

Black and white room ideas:

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas 3 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Mary Prince Photography

When it comes to adding other colors to the black and white scheme, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are many options to choose from and nobody wants to go wrong while designing a home.

It’s important to have an idea of ​​what colors go with black and white to achieve certain effects. Black and white is a very sleek, sharp design.

The effect can be lessened by adding dark colors or used to enhance lighter colors. When combined with colors like yellow, orange or red, the lighter colors stand out from the basic black and white colors.

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas7 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Smith Firestone Associates

Gray should be added to achieve a stylish yet neutral appearance. A gray patterned wallpaper with black sheets and white pillows is a visually appealing, yet somewhat calming black and white bedroom design.

To further complement this design, accessories can be supplied in different shades of gray. A dark gray lamp, light gray bedside table, and other features add to its appeal.

Gray, the bridge between white and black, ties the entire room together and lets each additional piece fall as if it really belongs in the room.

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas11 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Chris Snook

Black and white is a powerful color scheme, so these colors should be used appropriately and in moderation. Too much black or white can be overwhelming or too boring.

It is best to limit yourself to black and white bedroom furniture or accessories. If the bed is black and white, it is best not to use this scheme on other pieces of furniture in the room.

Instead, use black and white for curtains, lamps, windows, etc.

Bed linen

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas 4 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: http://ianmoorearchitects.com/

There are many different approaches that can be taken when designing the bed for black and white bedrooms. A white duvet cover should be used for a room where white is more dominant than black.

The pillows should be either a black and white pattern on each or a monochrome change of the pillows. This prevents the pillows from lifting too much from the cover, as would be the case with simple black pillows.

The bed would have a white bed skirt and a black bed scarf. To make black instead of white stand out, simply switch colors in this design.

Walls and windows

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas5 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Sohu Designs

One of the most important aspects of dealing with a black and white room is the wall color. White is a very neutral background color that goes with almost any design.

However, because it is so common, it can be easily ignored. Draw attention to the walls of a bedroom with additional shades such as light grays or whites.

Black wallpaper calls for attention and creates a certain mood for the room.

Using wallpaper with a black and white pattern can offer the best of both worlds: paying attention to the walls without automatically creating a deeper or more serious mood.

On windows, a black curtain can be bold, especially if the rest of the room is more white than black. A white curtain creates a cozy atmosphere. Black curtains with a white design ensure a contemporary ambience and a “homely” atmosphere.

Additional colors

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas12 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Robert Granoff

When adding color to a black and white scheme, it is important to make sure that the correct amount of color is added. If there is too much in it it can make the room appear sticky and ill-prepared.

Too little color can be seen as pointless and way too much can stand out.

Most importantly, most of the space should follow the black and white scheme.

All of the main components of the room should be either black or white (or both). Only add other colors in small amounts – a blue design on the black wallpaper, a colorful painting, a light brown bed scarf, etc.

Additional ideas for black and white bedrooms:

Light and happy

Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas 9 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Chris Snook

Paint the bedroom a clean white, accenting the walls with shadows on candy. This makes the candy colors pop out and immediately suggests “fun” entering the room.

Hanging attention-grabbing works of art contribute to the active, bright mood of the room. For extra looks, add some shiny accessories to grab a person’s attention right away.

This design will showcase the room in a light-hearted and fun way.


Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas6 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Alyssa Lee Photography.

Start with neutral colors for the floor and walls. The bed will be mainly white for this design. The bed accessories should have geometric patterns such as diamonds, circles, etc.

Natural fibers should be used for knitting. All of this helps give the room a natural look. Hanging pictures of plants or landscapes add to this effect.

Add some live plants to give the room an organic and ecological feel. This can be relaxing and feel less cramped than traditional rooms.


Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas 8 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: Supon Phornirunlit / Naked Decor

One of the easiest ways to achieve a more modern look is to make black the focus color of the room and put white and additional colors in the background.

A modern feel can also be achieved through the use of striped patterns. Combine this with black or gray toned accessories.

Use metal parts throughout the room to encourage the “industrialized” look. Add in some eccentric wallpaper and vintage-like accessories.


Always Elegant Black and White Bedroom Ideas10 Black and White Bedroom Ideas - Always ElegantImage source: The Interior Place (S) Pte Ltd.

Black and white are two simple colors that can create intricate and beautiful decors. The contrast between these two shades can create a style for any occasion: modern, traditional, romantic, fun or individual.

There are unlimited possibilities with this scheme. No design fits everyone, but a simple black and white design can result in perfect decor for those who can get more out of it.

Experiment to find the best interiors for the bedroom and elsewhere. Add colors, accents, accessories, and more. Be creative and don’t be afraid to screw it up. Because that’s what wallpaper is for …