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Best cutting flowers for this summer

There’s no denying that blooms generally last longer outside. Once they are cut, their lifespan is often shortened, leading many gardeners to leave them outside to enjoy and instead purchase imported flowers from around the world. However, this is expensive and creates a disconnect from the seasonal moment that is happening right outside in our back gardens.

• Plant a cut flower garden
For a dedicated cut flower bed, find a spot where you can create a few long, linear beds measuring about three feet by three feet. A meter wide is perfect and provides easy access for planting, weeding and picking throughout the bed without having to walk on it. Ideally, this room should get a lot of sun. Use one bed for annuals and one for perennials.

Next, consider taking the “no-dig approach” to creating your beds. This method is best for soil health and ultimately results in happier and healthier blooms. Alternatively, you may prefer the look of raised beds. There are many great suppliers, but you can also make your own scaffolding from recycled scaffolding boards.