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How to keep your home moist

How to keep your home moist

Moisture is a problem that plagues many properties – after the long, cold winter months, there’s no better time to check your home for signs of moisture.

Of course, having moisture in your home is hardly ideal. This is why it is important to do everything possible to prevent moisture from occurring and to treat existing moisture problems.

What causes moisture?

In the simplest sense, moisture is just an excess of moisture. Although every house contains moisture, it can sometimes become trapped, causing moisture to appear.

How to Keep Your Home Damp-Free-1 How to Keep Your Home Damp

Depending on certain properties and where it is present, this moisture can be given different names, such as: B. penetrating moisture and rising moisture. However, you can also get dry rot and wet rot in houses, which are often found in wood on the property.

How to recognize moisture

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In residential real estate, the three most common types of moisture are condensation, rising damp, and penetrating moisture. Each has its own set of characteristics that we hope should help you determine what type of moisture is present in your property.

  • condensation – The most obvious sign of condensation is water droplets on windows or walls. However, you can also find dark mold near windows and possibly notice an unpleasant smell
  • Rising damp – If your home’s plastering or baseboards are damaged, or have peeling, damp paint, or wallpaper, there may be rising damp on your property
  • Penetrating moisture – Dark, wet areas on walls and ceilings are characteristic of penetrating moisture, which can be more noticeable when it rains

How to treat moisture

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can treat it if you notice any signs of dampness in your home.

However, because there are many different types of moisture, these treatment methods can vary too. If you are not sure, the best course of action is always to get the help of a professional – Take a look at this page for more informations.

Keep moisture away

How to Keep Your Home Damp-Free-2 How to Keep Your Home Damp

If you are fortunate enough not to suffer from moisture in your home, there are several steps you can take to protect your property from future moisture problems.

  • Improve ventilation – If there’s a … good, regular airflow around the buildingthere is a possibility that excess moisture can escape without incident. While this can be as simple as opening a window, you can also install vents and fans, especially in areas like the bathroom or kitchen. A dehumidifier can also be a smart investment
  • insulation – How well is your home insulated? A well insulated house has a lower risk of moisture as the heat can stay in the building longer. Combined with a regular flow of air, this is a great way to keep the moisture out
  • Double glazing – Houses with single-glazed windows are usually much colder than double-glazed ones. However, it is important not to overdo the energy-saving heat storage methods as these can actually cause moisture to appear
  • Dry your clothes – Instead of drying clothes on radiators or at home, always try to dry them outdoors whenever possible. Of course, this is not always a practical solution when drying laundry insideMake sure to ventilate the area well to reduce the moisture potential

Hopefully by now you are well on your way to understanding the risks, effects, and signs of moisture. With this guide, we hope that you can keep your home moisture-free now and in the future. Just follow these tips to keep your home safe today!