Home / Beds / Use the space in your offspring’s room perfectly: cribs with storage underneath

Use the space in your offspring’s room perfectly: cribs with storage underneath

Use the space in your offspring’s room perfectly: cribs with storage underneath

In the often small children’s room, every meter of space wants to be meaningfully used. With cribs with storage underneath crates you put on full beds for the offspring, which have additional storage space under the mattress. Various child-friendly models create a large selection of space-saving beds.

In the nursery, every square meter counts because the room is used in a variety of ways. Thus, the first own realm of your sprout combines the aspects of sleep and play. In addition, space is needed for a desk, as with the attainment of school age, a separate work surface should be offered.

The right bed frame for every child

In addition to classic cots with a bed box in the understated design, we also offer themed embossed motif beds that reflect the individual character of your little sunshine.

Make it comfortable for your child

This is exactly where our cribs with cribs come in: they offer ample storage under the lying surface, which can be used to store bedding, toys and other accessories.

In addition to classic cots with a bed box in the understated design, we also offer themed embossed motif beds that reflect the individual character of your little sunshine.