Home / Sofa / Comfortable couches with high quality edition: Sofa beds with mattress

Comfortable couches with high quality edition: Sofa beds with mattress

Comfortable couches with high quality edition: Sofa beds with mattress

As space-saving and at the same time comfortable pieces of furniture,  sofa beds with mattress turn out to be. Due to their high-quality equipment, they offer both an ergonomic sitting and lying position and can be used as fully-fledged sleeping places instead of conventional beds. Various designs and cover fabrics allow you to choose a sofa bed of your choice, which can be optimally integrated into your existing living concept.

Especially for limited space, sofa beds with mattress are an interesting alternative to a conventional bed. They fulfill the purpose of a common couch and provide pleasantly cushioned comfort for watching TV or reading in the living room. If necessary, you can simply unfold with simple mechanisms and then offer a comfortable lying surface for one to two people.

Special comfort due to adjustable backrests

Some of sofa mattresses are equipped with adjustable back and armrests for added convenience in their own four walls. With one hand, you have fixed your sofa in the desired position and thus receive in addition to ordinary positions for sleeping or sitting also gently inclined relaxation positions.

Here you can find more information about sofa beds with mattress

Due to the high-quality upholstery in the form of a mattress sleeping couches can be safely used as a permanent sleeping place. The positive side effect of first-class upholstery: even when used as ordinary seating furniture, sofa beds with mattress provide an ergonomic seating surface that provides excellent support for relaxation.

Some of sofa mattresses are equipped with adjustable back and armrests for added convenience in their own four walls. With one hand, you have fixed your sofa in the desired position and thus receive in addition to ordinary positions for sleeping or sitting also gently inclined relaxation positions.

To increase stability, most couches are supported by a sturdy frame, which sets additional visual accents partly through various surface treatments.