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7 living room design mistakes everyone makes (at least once)

7 living room design mistakes everyone makes (at least once)

Like pretty much everything in life, we succeed through persistence and trial and error. This is no less true for the interior design. Think about it – can you say that you were completely satisfied with your first attempt at decorating a room in your home? Such mistakes are not a shame, provided we learn from them. After all, even the world’s greatest composers, directors, and artists had to learn to walk before they could run.

With that, we’ve rounded up some of the most common mistakes people make when designing their interiors.

Uninspired design

Shopping for decor is great fun, and as such, there is no need to temper your excitement. Before you go to the store, check out what other homeowners have been doing in their living quarters online. Pinterest and Instagram are great places to find design inspiration.

Avoid buying pieces without considering the general style of the room. Set a budget and take a critical look at each new item to get a feel for how it plays with your other items before adding it to your cart.

Choosing the wrong sofa / couch

Your sofa can make or break your room. Period. Once you’ve set out to redesign your living room, be open minded when swapping out your sofa. Sticking to it because it’s still in good condition or relatively new can be an obstacle to getting the room you want.

When you are committed to change you have to be ready to make some tough decisions Living room furniture that you might really like. Do your research and plan on buying new furniture to make sure it matches the style you want. Keep it simple by avoiding overly ornate shapes, legs, and patterns. For the most part, you should be fine.

Buying a rug that doesn’t fit

Too small carpets are painfully obvious to the guests. In most cases, the standard living room should have a rug that is at least 8×10 (unless the living room is on the small side).

Before getting too fixated on a carpet of a particular style, consider how it will be played in the room. Buy a rug that is suitable for the room. Do not try to match the room to the room Size of the carpet – This is a battle that simply cannot be won.

Showroom look vs practical

So that we understand each other. The showroom look works in a store, but it can result in a very impersonal space in your home. Essentially, you want to avoid the impression that you bought everything in the same store.

While this is easier than manually selecting your accent pieces or furniture, it lacks any personal connection to the room. Think about what your guests would say upon entering the room – can they see the “you” in the room? Adding some eclectic vintage pieces throughout the room can add a lot of personal pizzazz.

Too much furniture

Having a lot of furniture may seem like a good idea, but over-furnishing is the first step in creating an cluttered, inconsiderate appearance. Remember, when it comes to home furnishings, less is more. Thinking critically about each piece before purchasing one can help keep the aesthetics of your space on track.

Layout planning went wrong

For a truly impactful living room, think beyond TV placement. The positioning of the TV and sofa often determines the room layout, but this should not always be the case. Think from a different point of view. If you have a lot of conversations, create a seating arrangement that favors conversation rather than TV binging. Observe the different views from the different seating positions in the room. Can you see the rest of the room / windows / fireplace from your seat?

Hanging art wrong

Hanging pictures and artwork may seem easy, but it can become difficult when you look at it closely. An incorrectly hung work of art can distract the eye and unbalance the entire room. Even so, it is important to plan where you will hang each piece.

The general rule of thumb when hanging artwork is to hang the pieces at eye level. While this rule should be followed for the most part, you may need to make some minor adjustments if your ceiling is low. In this case, divide the height of the wall into quadrants and hang the picture in the third quadrant. This can cause your artwork to hang below eye level, but it is more aesthetic.

There are many common mistakes everyone makes when designing the interior including living space. The easiest way to avoid all of these common home decor dangers is to take the time to do your research, and think critically about everything you buy.